Please see here below all the position papers that UEIL has issued.


PROTECTED: Contribution to the Commission’s policy on the future competition framework applicable to the motor vehicle sector (Jan 2010)

UEIL contribution to the Commission’s policy on the future competition framework applicable to the motor vehicle sector (Sept 2009)

UEIL statement: Draft Directive on Crude oil and/or petroleum products – Obligation to maintain minimum stocks (May 2009)

PROTECTED: Imbalances in the EU Automotive Market A Call for a Sector-Specific Regulatory Framework (Apr 2009)

Health & Environment Committee Position Papers

Position paper on Minimum storage period/Shelf life

Important Changes to the Labelling of Hazardous Substances & Mixtures:

ATIEL-UEIL-ELGI Position Paper on Lithium classification – May 2021

The CLP Regulations (March 2015): DE

The CLP Regulations (March 2015): EN

The CLP Regulations (March 2015): ES

The CLP Regulations (March 2015): IT

The CLP Regulations (March 2015): NL

Ionic Mixtures – Threshold Determination for their Non-Skin Irritating Properties (Sep 2014)

 Ionic Mixtures – Threshold Determination for their non-eye irritating properties (February 2017)

Boric Acid Statement (Nov 2008)

Formaldehyde Position Paper (English) (Feb 2007)

Formaldehyde Position Paper (French) (Feb 2007)

Technical & Competition Committee Position Papers

UEIL feedback and position paper on Commission evaluation of MVBER 2024

UEIL Position Paper 2022- MVBER Evaluation

UEIL’s contribution to Commission’s Evaluation Report on BER 1400/2002 (Sept 2008)

Contribution of UEIL into CARS 21 process

Contribution of UEIL into CARS 21 (June 2011)

Taxation issues

“Possible unintended application of the EMCS system to lubricant additives under CN 3811 creates an unnecessary and costly burden for the lubricant industry” (November 2011)

UEIL Newsletter and communications