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Waste Framework Directive Revision Newsletter December 2017


The European Re-refining Industry Association (GEIR) is still actively following the legislative developments related to the revision of the Waste Framework Directive. Earlier in the year the European Parliament showed its commitment to the Circular Economy by integrating in its mandate for negotiations with the other institutions a waste oils regeneration target. According to the Parliament’s position, 85% of waste oils generated in the market should be regenerated by 2025. On the other hand, Member States only included a review clause to assess the feasibility of introducing waste oils regeneration targets by 2024, alongside strengthened monitoring and reporting requirements.

Negotiations between the Parliament, Member States and European Commission have been ongoing since late May – so-called “trilogues”. If institutions could reach a compromise on several sticking points, they still have not found an acceptable solution on waste oils. It seems unlikely however at this stage that the final Directive text comprises a regeneration target but rather discussions are ongoing on when such targets may be proposed at the EU level.

The European Institutions are hoping to close the file by the end of 2017. GEIR will continue its advocating efforts and monitor closely the latest developments.