UEIL’s Taxation Task Force was set up in 2013 to lobby on the revision of the European Directive 2003/96 about the “taxation of energy products” with the aim to obtain tax harmonization in the lubricants industry, preventing individual Member States to apply domestic taxes that represent a burden for SMEs and an obstacle for competition at a European level. The Taxation Task Force is chaired by Mr. Fabio Parodi and the daily coordinator is Harald Boerekamp.

In the meantime, the Taxation Task Force has extended its work on taxation on behalf of its Members as the EU has become more active on EU taxation regulation with the aim to prevent tax distortion and to promote a level playing field within the EU. Currently the Taxation Task Force is active on the following EU taxation files:

  • Prevention of inclusion of lubes under the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS);
  • The revised Energy Taxation Directive that will be proposed by the European Commission in June 2021;
  • Reduced quotas on Group II base oils entering in the EU;
  • The Digital Tax proposal.