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UEIL Virtual Networking Event

Although we had to cancel our Annual Congress this year, we don’t want to miss an occasion to catch-up with you!

Take the opportunity to join UEIL’s first interactive virtual networking event “UEIL: Our contribution to Europe’s sustainable future”, scheduled on Thursday 29 October from 16.00 to 18.00 CET. 

Join us to discuss key questions for the lubricants industry, such as the challenges and opportunities posed by COVID-19 as well as upcoming EU legislation that is likely to impact the lubricant industry.

Industry experts will provide updates on key initiatives around:

  • Circular Economy
  • Energy Taxation
  • Access to Technical Information
  • Health & Safety
  • And many other key topics!

This will be followed by exchanges in breakout rooms, where participants will have an opportunity to discuss these issues in an informal setting.

And even if we won’t be able to do it in person this year, we will close the meeting with a virtual drink, so make sure you have your favorite cocktail ready, and, why not, some snacks!


Download the presentations here


If you would like to be a sponsor, please get in touch with the UEIL Secretariat. The number of places is limited, so to avoid disappointment don’t delay!


Save-the-date and join us on 29 October!