The HSE Committee Members

The HSE Committee has been created to provide UEIL members with information concerning the key Health, Safety and Environmental issues related to the Lubricants Industry within Europe. In order to provide this information and to offer regular updates the Committee meets for a minimum of three meetings per year, offers an annual report at the UEIL General Assembly, contributes to UEIL newsletter, writes articles for Lube magazine and publishes information sheets on the website (see below).

Involvement in the activities of the Committee is only open to UEIL members although guests are invited to certain meetings following approval by the Chairperson and / or Board of Directors.

Stephan Baumgärtel, HSE Committee Chairman

The Committee has formed close links with other associated trade organizations and groups both within Europe and on an international basis and, as a consequence, is seen as a key point of contact with EU regulators in Brussels. Significant issues are debated prior to the HSE Committee getting involved in aspects of the lobbying process.

The Committee also advices the UEIL Board of Directors on major issues and provide information in written form as position or review documents. These documents are then published to an open audience or to members only, depending on the content, via the UEIL Web site.


  • To be the representative body with respect to Environmental, Health and Safety issues for Industrial Fluids across Europe
  • A valued lobbying force as a part of UEIL in the EU
  • A trusted discussion partner for E, H and S issues with European Institutions and Governments


  • To have a clear and consistent commitment from the key European Trade Associations and Organizations
    European Center of Excellence for Industrial Lubricant E,H and S connected issues
  • To be an information conduit for suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, end users and regulators
  • Create positive promotion and stewardship recognition for IL’s across Europe
  • Build a long term and recognized liaison with the EU through DG Environment


  • Chairperson, Secretary and allocated Board of Directors member
  • Chair elected every two years
  • Physical Meetings three times a year
  • Members from supporting trade associations plus guests at the discretion of the Chairperson and the BoD representative
  • Membership from an individual country (excluding guests) should not be more than four persons


  • Budget agreed annually by UEIL BoD
  • Further funding by UEIL and/or trade associations upon agreement on a project by project basis
  • The committee will not utilize funding from individual company members where the information generated is restricted to the funding participants

For the latest Annual Report and committee minutes please log-in to the members section.

Position Review Papers and Updates

UEIL Position paper on notification to Poison Centres (2018)

UEIL HSE comments concerning the draft Ecolabel criteria for lubricants (2018)